C Programming Class 12 Computer | NEB Computer Notes

C Programming Class 12 Computer | NEB Computer Notes

                                                        C-Programming Language 


  • Set of instructions that tells a computer how to perform a particular task.
  • They are developed by using programming language.


  • It refers to a program or set of instructions that instructs a computer to perform some tasks.
  • They are classified into two classes.
    • System Software: Includes OS & various devices software's.
    • Application Software: Ms-Word, tally, C Compiler, etc.



  • A person who writes a program using a programming language.
  • Computer Programming: 
  • It is a art of developing computer program.


  • It is a general- purpose programming language.
  • It is used for writing programs.
  • It is a high level programming language and easy to learn. 
  • It is possible to design Operating System, drivers, compilers, etc.
  • Almost most of the programming languages like Java, C++, etc. follow C programming syntax. 

                                                                                Features of C-Programming 

  • Easy to Learn & Understand.
  • Machine independent.
  • Faster Execution.
  • Extensible.
  • Reusuable.

                                                                              Structure of C-Programming 

  • #include<stdio.h>
  • #include<conio.h>
  • Int main() {
  • Printf(“Hello World \n Hello Ram Singh”);
  • return 0;
  • }


  • #include<stdio.h>
  • #include<conio.h> */ No need to write this /*
  • Int main()
  • {
  • Int x=5; // Variable Decleration
  • Printf(“Value of x=%d”, x);
  • }


                                                                                                          Header Files

  • It contains definitions of functions and variables, which is imported or used into any C program by using the pre-processor #include statement. 
  • Header file have extension “.h” which contains C function declaration and macro definition. 
  • Each header file contains information ( or declarations) for a particular group of functions. 
  • Like stdio.h header file contains declaration of standard input and output functions available in C which is used for get the input and print the output.
  • Similarly, the header file math.h contains declarations of mathematical functions available in C. 

                                                                                                    C Preprocessor files

  • Preprocessor directives are the grammar of C. 
  • It is used for handling source file and macro definitions in the program.

                                                                                Comments in C Programming Language

  • In C , we can declare comments in two ways:
  • 1. Single Line Comment: If we want to place only one line of comment somewhere in program, we can write comment after double forward slashes (//). It does not have ending slashes. For Example: // This is just testing.
  • 2. Block Comment/ Multi Line Comment: If we want to place some blocks of comments in a program, we can write comment starting by forward slash asterisk (/*) and write multiple lines of comment and ending with asterisk forward slash (*/).  This Comment has starting as well as ending portion. For Example: 
  • /* This is just for testing
  • It takes two values,
  • And generates greatest number. 
  • */

                                                                                      Identifiers, Keywords and Tokens

  • Identifier: A name which is given by user it is known as Identifier. 
  • Keywords: It is a reserved word which have fixed meaning.
    • There are 32 keywords in C language.
  • Tokens: The basic element recognized by the compiler is known as Tokens.

Basic Data Types in C

  • There are 2 types of data types in C. They can be classified as:

1. Primary Data Types

  • Char,
  • Int,
  • Float,
  • Double,
  • Void

2. Secondary Data Types







                                                                                    Types of specifier 

  • The type of data to be printed on standard output is called Specifier. Some of the mostly used specifier are:
  • 1. Escape Specifier,
  • 2. Format Specifier.


  • A name which can store a value.
  • We can re-use that value using of variable.
  • For e.g.: Book name is a variable and book price is a value. 

                                                                        Variable Declaration & Initialization

  • Type variable name;     int. a, b;
  • Initialization e.g. :
  •    a=10; b=20;
  • Note: Comma is used to separation.

                                                                                                 Variable Declaration rules

  • A variable name can have alphabets, digits and underscore.
  • E.g. : int a;
  • Variable name can start with alphabets and underscore only.
  • Variable name cannot be start with digits.
  •    Whitespace is not allowed in variable name. eg: int student marks;
  • A variable name must not be any reserved word or keyword. Eg: int float;   
  • But we can write int INT; 

                                                                                              Practice of Variable

  • #include<stdio.h>
  • #include<conio.h>
  • Int main() 
  • {

Int a;


Printf(“the value of a =%d”, a);

Printf(“a=%d”, a);

Return 0;


Define /n also for line break


  • A Constant is a fixed value which cannot be changed during the program execution.

                                                                                          Operators and Expressions

  • A operator is a sign or symbol, which performs an operation or evaluation on one or more operands.
  • Operands are values or variables dclare within program. For example: 5+10 where ‘+’ sign is an operator and 5 and 10 are operands.

                                                                                        Types of Operator used in C

  • Arithmetic Operators,
  • Logical Operators,
  • Assignment Operators,
  • Conditional Operators,
  • Bitwise Operators,
  • Comma Operators,
  • Increment/ Decrement Operators,
  • Ternary Operator.

                                                                                     Input/ Output  (I/O) Functions 


  • C provides the following Input/output functions.
    • Formatted I/O functions,
    • Unformatted I/O functions.

                                                                    Some of the formatted I/O function are as follows:

1. Printf()It is an output function that prints a character or string or numeric values on the screen. 
2. Scanf()It is an input function that reads the input from keyboard and different data can be entered like float, char, string into program.
  • Some of the unformatted input output functions are:
1. getch()It is an input function which reads only one character at a time i.e. one keystroke without echoing input character on the screen.
2. getche()It is an input function which reads only one character at a time i.e. one keystroke with echoing input character on the screen. 
3. Putch()It is an output function that outputs a single character on the screen.
4. getchar()It is an input function to read a character from keyboard. 
5. Putchar()It is an output function to print a character on yhe monitor.
6. Gets()It is an input function that reads a single or multiple words from keyboard.
7. Puts()It is an output function that prints a single or multiple words on monitor.

                                                                                                    Control Statement

  • It is a way to control a program through control statements.
  • There are three types of control statements which control the flow of program.
    • Conditional Statement
    • Looping Statements
    • Jumping Statements.

                                                                                                 Conditional Statement

  • Conditional Statements:
    • Decision Structure:
      • It is used to make selection.
      • Selection allows us to choose option from two or more options available within the program.
      • There are two types of selection statements.
        • Two-Way Selection,
        • Multi-Way Selection.

                                                                                          Types Conditional Statement

  • 1. The Simple If Statement,
  • 2. The If-Else Statement,
  • 3. The Else If Ladder Statement,
  • Nested If Statement,
  • Switch Statement.

                                                                                          The Simple IF Statement






























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